Thursday, April 29, 2010

My finals diet

Gummy worms
Sour gummy worms
...and chocolate. For good measure.

Insert appropriate How I Met Your Mother quote here:
"Jellybeans, fluffernutter, gummi bears, gingersnaps. This is a grocery list."
"For who? A witch building a house in the forest? 
"Sugar helps me study..."

It's funny because it's true. (Maybe you had to be there?)

*Hello, I thought they might help me learn income tax.
**Too easy?

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Your move, Mrs. Vitolins...

So when I was a sophomore in high school, my Zoology teacher insisted that it was impossible for me to have a Pileated Woodpecker in my backyard.

For those of you who didn't have to memorize 100 birds and take an exam on them - THE WEEK BEFORE SPRING BREAK - I refer you to Wikipedia. (For those of you too lazy to click on the link I have helpfully provided, suffice it to say that it's a giant freaking bird that pecks wood and looks vaguely prehistoric.)

Impossible, eh? Well, it may have taken 12 years to prove my case, but damn if I don't have photographic evidence that it IS in fact possible for me to have a Pileated Woodpecker in my backyard:
Picture...thousand words. *

What now, Vitolins? What now?

*Because we all know pictures don't lie. Unless, of course, one is skilled in Photoshop. But seriously, like I have the time or inclination to become proficient in photo editing simply to prove a decade-old point to a teacher who doesn't remember this conversation and doesn't read this blog? Yeah, even I haven't reached that level.

Yes, there's snow in the picture. I may have misplaced my camera for, oh, six months or so. Don't worry about it. Also - expect more highly unseasonal pictures now that it has been recovered.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

So much better than the library

Somehow being in the sun makes reading hundreds of pages of source material (slightly) less painless.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Yes, I actually asked this question while sitting in the library...

" do I find a book in this place?"


And my friend answers..."I have no idea..."



[At which point we dissolve into hopeless giggles]

Three years of law school education...


Monday, April 12, 2010

My boys

You're all going "wait a minute, B, you have no boys!" So true, friends, so true.

And thanks for the reminder...

Obviously, I am referring to my nephews.

My brother just sent new pictures of them, which was the highlight of my day.

(Of course, my day has been spent researching the potential for agency regulation of greenhouse gases under the Clean Air, you know, low bar.)

Anyway, thought I'd share the adorable -

A& J on Easter Sunday at my parents 

A's new bike

J -  the world's tiniest, whitest rapper
(Throw your hands in the ayer-ay-ayer!) 

Could he be any cuter? I do not think that he could. 

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Enough said

Posted from the law library...on a Saturday night. Being a lawyer cannot be that awesome.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

April Showers Brought Fabulous Flowers

There's nothing like Indiana weather...

All week, it has been alternating between beautiful sunny days and potential severe storm days. Today was definitely one of the latter.

But as I was walking home from class, I was amazed by how green it has become. So I crossed my fingers, did a quick anti-rain dance, and went to get some pictures before the weather changed.

PS. The minute I got the last picture, it started pouring. Clearly my tribal ceremonies need a little more work.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Jump on it

The Butler bandwagon, that is.

The baby Boilers looked good. (Hi, Chris Kramer. Call me!) And they played pretty well too…

But post-Sweet 16 I needed a new team to cheer for. Given that I spent 12 years doing gymnastics there,  Butler was a natural choice. (And my roomie is an alum - hi, J!) I didn’t think they’d last longer than one game, but wow. 

So here is my Elite 8 –  eight reasons why you should join the bandwagon. (It's getting a bit crowded, but we're willing to make room for more!)

8.  Butler is the smallest school to make it to the title game in forty years.
7.  Hinkle Fieldhouse is awesome! My brother and I used to sneak in and rollerblade down the ramps. And my high school won an amazing tournament game there. Also, not sure if you've heard, but they made a little film called Hoosiers there. 
6.  Umm, you realize that Duke beat Purdue? And in the process totally beat up on Chris Kramer. (Seriously, call me, honey – I will take care of you!)
5.  From Butler’s campus to downtown Indy? 19 minutes with traffic.
4.  Hey, Duke? Your mascot is the devil. Way to be subtle about the fact that you are EVIL.
3.  Speaking of mascots…Blue has a webcam! And he is undeniably adorable.
2.  According to the announcers during the Sweet 16 game, Gordon Hayward is “sometimes referred to as the baby-faced assassin.” If this isn’t the greatest nickname in all of college basketball…well no, it is absolutely the greatest nickname in all of college basketball.
1.  Did I mention that Duke = evil?  Well, it bears repeating…

So to sum up...Go Bulldogs!