(Hey, I gotta make a few more lame law school jokes while I have the chance, ok? Groan at will.)
Anyway, the closed book portion involves memorizing the holdings of 100-odd cases. Which, basically, looks like this:
Say hi to my pretty flash cards!
Silver lining: in the hours of sitting at home reading aloud to myself, I have come up with some pretty awesome mnemonic devices.
And - [tangent] - please tell me that I am not the only one who cannot hear the word mnemonic without thinking of that Full House episode? "Double the c-, double the s- and you'll always have success!" [end tangent]
So now I will share some of favorites and call it studying...
- Oliver v. US: open fields doctrine - Oliver Winery, acres of grape fields!
- Michigan v. Summers: officer can make a stop with an articulable basis for suspicion - umm, I'm pretty sure Buffy Summers [the Vampire Slayer] was always doing something suspicious!
- Kyllo v. US: federal agents busted a grow house - kilos of drugs, anyone?
- Ybarra v. Illinois: the search took place in a bar, it's like a gimme.
- California v. Carney: automobile exception applies to motor homes - can't you just picture the RV full of carnies and clowns driving down the PCH?
- And another case deals with overnight guests and shall remain nameless... as it totally shares the name of a recent overnight guest of my own. I'm pretty sure I'm not going to forget that one!
Can you tell someone is ready for exams to be over?? Someone named "me"?
See y'all on the other side...three days left!