Thursday, August 11, 2011

Where I've Been

Kennebunkport, Maine

Yarmouth, Maine



Toronto (where we were too busy playing UNO to tourist)

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sunset at the ball field

Since I haven't found the motivation to sort through my race pix yet, I'm going back to the baseball diamond instead.

Can't beat beautiful spring sunsets!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day

F-18 Super Hornet flyover at the parade
B-2 Stealth Bomber flyover at the race

500 Parade - Purdue Band Edition

Race pictures will be up just as soon as I manage to sort through them all. Apparently the "500" part actually indicates how many pictures I took today. Yes, seriously. And I'm guessing a few hundred of those are just empty track shots - my "delete" finger is going to be a tired little digit.

When we arrived at the track today, the first group we ran into was the Purdue All-American Marching Band - and I do mean literally "ran into." I spent several minutes making friends in the sousaphone section before I managed to find my way out.

Here is the band marching in the parade yesterday - Go Boilers!

Yes, the Silver Twins really are twins.

Boiler Up!

Drum crew singing Hail Purdue. (Don't worry, I was standing and singing along while I took the picture!)

Sunday, May 29, 2011

500 Parade

Living in Indy, I actually try to avoid most things 500-related. So I hadn't been to the parade in a long time. Like...the last time I went, I got my picture taken with Fabio. 

Yes, Fabio. 

And for the record, I was coerced. I was so shy and horribly embarrassed, but my mother bribed me so I did it. I passively rebelled by making sure my eyes were closed so that the picture would be thrown out and not used for future torment. (The picture of my sister with Fabio still exists, however. Expect that to resurface soon.)

Being long overdue, I returned to the parade this year and had a great time taking an absurd number of pictures. I couldn't narrow it down to two, so here's six instead. 

Enjoy your vicarious Indy experience ... and be glad that it's Fabio-free!

Some of my Indy's best drivers - 

The [in]famous Danica Patrick.
Also note smoking hot Ryan Briscoe in the next car over waving to me. Because obviously we had a brief, moment-long fling. Don't tell his wife, it's better that way.

Indy's favorite Dancing champ -Helio Castroneves

Alex Tagliani --  this year's pole winner *-- being showered by streamers.

(*and possibly even hotter than Ryan Briscoe. Google, then discuss.)

Friday, May 27, 2011

Is that a carnival in your parking lot?

I went in to run my errands - just cars and rain. I came out - boom - carnival in the parking lot!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Let's Try Something New

Has it been eight months since I posted anything? Hmm, apparently it has.

I'm pretty sure that qualifies me as an official blog failure.

So I'm going to try something different and post a picture or two every day. (Or at least every day until I get distracted by something shiny and forget).

Last week was my dad's 65th birthday. (He, of course, is determined to prove that 65 is the new 45.)

His mother passed down a family recipe for Coke cake, and A tried it for the first time...

No, that is not an "I love it!" face.

So he reverted to his stand-by instead -- vanilla ice cream and sprinkles.

Yes, those are dinosaur sprinkles.

P.S. Don't let him convince you otherwise, Coke cake is amazing and you would love it. Promise.