As most single girls can attest, by the time you reach your mid-20's...oh my God, I literally just remembered that I am 25. My birthday was 5 months ago, and I had actually forgotten I was this old. How can this be possible? Law school is destroying my sanity. (Also, if I was still 24 I was going to try to claim early-20's. Denial is a powerful cocktail, kids. Especially when mixed with Myers rum and a Tyenol PM, as mine is soon to be.)
Ok, anyway, back to my Carrie Bradshaw intro: mid-20's, single girls. Likely, by this point you have run up a decent tally of boys. (They are all boys. Even the ones who've hit 30.) But lately it seems like each one I meet is a new and less-improved version of the last. So from now on, it is time to start applying strict scrutiny as the standard of review for all guys who enter my life. Granted, I'm not sure what constitutes a "compelling" interest. But I can certainly name a few examples of what is not compelling. In no particular order...
- If you are engaged.
- If you are married. Seriously, 6 months is still newlywed. Go home to your wife.
- If you tell me you're getting back together with your quasi-lesbian ex from back home.
- If you tell me you're getting back together with your quasi-lesbian ex from back home, but actually get with a girl in my class. Reminder: I passed the LSAT - I will solve this logic problem.
- If your nickname involves a food item (or a large, if cuddly know who you are.)
- If your pick up line is "I hate you for being a Republican, but it's so hot." If my political views are offensive to you, why are you hitting on me?
- If your pick up line references Obama, Sarah Palin, or Joe the Plumber. Find new talking points.
- If you have a tattoo of a children's toy from the 80s. Honestly, we get it - you're never going to grow up.
- If you listen to gangsta rap. You will never have street cred. Let the dream die.
- If your Facebook profile has quotes from any of the following: Learned Hand, Richard Posner, your professor, case law, lame songs, pretentious authors, pretentious poets, pretentious hipsters.
- If you ride a motorcycle. Though really this is just my attempt to end my adolescent bad boy fixation. (Please see below)
- If you are wearing a popped collar and a Croakie. I know, coming from me this may sound surprising. But let me be clear: I condone, even encourage, the latter and I may make exceptions for the former.* But in combination, no. Just no.
- If your idea of a date starts with a text message at midnight. We all know what that is, and the word "date" is not involved.
- For that matter, if all contact comes in the form of 160 characters or less? Just dial the number and hit the green button, it's not that hard, guys.
- If you wear CZ earrings. I know this trend has pretty much disappeared, but I think we all need to remember our history, lest we be doomed to repeat it.
- If you are my height barefoot...grow four inches and then return. Because I am never barefoot. (But let's be honest, I have never and will never stick to this. I'm just aspiring to find one guy over six feet tall - a girl can dream right?)
*For instance, after 10 PM; while wearing boat shoes on a boat; at the horse races; while fist pumping at the Tombs; if the Georgetown night gets extra yuppy; if multiple RBVs are involved; while mimosas are being served to ugly people on the deck of Old Glory; if the Polo is not already pink (or an equally over-the-top pastel).