Tuesday, October 14, 2008

So this is new.

So I'm painting my nails and pretending to study for my final and watching The Biggest Loser. Yes, I watch terrible TV. No, I'm not ashamed to admit it. If I knew how to make footnotes, I would have put one right there and given you a "See also Rock of Love Charm School, ANTM, Road Rules/Real World The Challenge"...and that's just the reality shows. But I don't know how to make footnotes - which means it's probably a good thing I'm not on Law Journal. 

Anyway, back to the point: I'm procrastinating and my friend M texts to tell me she's starting a blog. And since I seem to have no shortage of drama in my life, I figured I might as well go all Gossip Girl and put it in a blog right? So here it is!


(Yes, I totally just said that!)

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