Saturday, October 25, 2008

Praying to the Tivo gods

So I left for a week at home and didn't even think to check my TiVo before I left. Luckily (yeah, luckily!), TiVo is an amazing creation and didn't screw up. But it totally reminds me of a great scene from How I Met Your Mother - which I thought deserved to be Googled and copied verbatim for your enjoyment:

"Almighty TiVo, we thank you for all the gifts you have given us. The power to freeze live TV to go take a leak is nothing short of god-like. And let's not forget fast-forwarding through commercials. It seems greedy to ask anything more from you, O Magic Box, but if you malfunction and miss the Super Bowl, we will destroy you in the alley with baseball bats."

Anyway, back to my TiVo's awesomeness...I returned today and found myself with 30 hours of recorded shows to catch up on. (Granted, there's about 10 hours of House re-runs that will probably get skipped.)

So instead of going out tonight I am vegged on the couch watching The Ex List, which is totally my new fall crush. Elizabeth Reaser is super cute - and I was not sold on her at first because I totally hated Ava/Rebecca and her stupid plotline on Grey's. Seriously, when she had a meltdown and slit her wrists I actually cheered at the TV. But the show is adorable, plus I think we can all relate to having some interesting characters in our past.

Next up in the queue...Rock of Love Charm School. Will drunk strippers be as entertaining without Bret Michaels and his horrible hair extensions? I'll let ya know.

*UPDATE* OMG!! They are drunker and strippier than ever and SO much more awesome without Bret Michaels. Seriously, the most horrifyingly entertaining show ever created, it is a MUST watch. VH1 people, check it out.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Ooh Sarah-cuda

I've been catching some flak from my dear friends on the other side of the aisle for going to the Sarah Palin rally last week - and for leaving with a total girl-crush on her. So in response I am going to ignore all arguments of political merit and instead focus on the following:
  1. She is so gorgeous in person - and so teeny tiny!
  2. She has more energy on this campaign than staff who are half her age.
  3. She has awesome clothes. I was totally coveting her jacket.
  4. She's a hockey mom. We heart our hockey moms.
  5. She's a total rock star.
And if you still don't believe me, I think this says it all:

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Advise & Concede...

My friend E's advice for my final today? "Just concede."

"Just walk in, sit down and write 'I concede. See you next semester.'"

I think that would put me in the record books right next to the kid from our class who freaked out in the middle of finals and just walked out. Of course the 3L who shot up his casebooks last year still trumps.

Omigod you guys

I'm sitting in Starbucks studying for my final this afternoon and figured what would be more appropriate study music than the soundtrack to Legally Blonde?? ("Law school is for boring, ugly, serious people - and you, button, are none of those.")

I'm feeling slightly guilty because I'm skipping class right now - I walked in and turned in my homework and left to go to my locker. I had every intention of going back, but then I realized my Professor wasn't there and my homework counts for I figured it's a better use of my time to get in a few more hours with adjudicatory hearings and formal rulemaking!

Of course, since I am posting this I obviously got sidetracked. (Seriously, someone put me on Adderall.) Anyway, I swear it's not my fault - there was this guy in Starbucks who looked just like Rob Lowe. A younger, less Botoxed/Ken-doll version of Rob Lowe that is. Seriously, probably the best looking man I've ever seen in this town. So of course he was wearing a wedding band. That really is the hustle.

Ok, back to the books now. Here's hoping I'll be the shark, not the chum.


Your Legally Non-Blonde

PS - Fall Break is around the corner, at which time I hope to actually have interesting things to write about!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

"IDK, my BFF CWA?"

You remember that cell phone commercial with the little girl and the grandma who spoke in texts? Thanks to Environmental Law, that has totally become my life - but not nearly as entertaining.

This is a for real excerpt from my class notes today (as if I could make this sh*t up)

  • By 1977 - BPT
  • By 1983 - BCT for conv; BAT(EA) for toxic
  • Existing sources: PSES - BAT
  • New sources: PSNS - BADT
  • FDF
  • BEJ standards
  • POTWs
  • Stormwater - BMPs
Yeah I have no idea what it means either. But thanks to all of that we can swim in the Potomac (though I can't say I'd recommend it...)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

So this is new.

So I'm painting my nails and pretending to study for my final and watching The Biggest Loser. Yes, I watch terrible TV. No, I'm not ashamed to admit it. If I knew how to make footnotes, I would have put one right there and given you a "See also Rock of Love Charm School, ANTM, Road Rules/Real World The Challenge"...and that's just the reality shows. But I don't know how to make footnotes - which means it's probably a good thing I'm not on Law Journal. 

Anyway, back to the point: I'm procrastinating and my friend M texts to tell me she's starting a blog. And since I seem to have no shortage of drama in my life, I figured I might as well go all Gossip Girl and put it in a blog right? So here it is!


(Yes, I totally just said that!)