Monday, June 7, 2010

Actual Facebook Message

Subject: potentially uncouth question
are you still in bloomington? any interest in a covert rendezvous?
My question is this...

How, pray tell, does one go about responding to such a message?

Because I find myself torn between "kind of hilarious" and "appalled and slightly offended."

Consider the following factors in forming your answer:
  1. The uncouth questioner is a dude in my law school class.
  2. Yes, I may have hooked up with him. 
  3. Twice.
  4. It was nearly two years ago.
  5. I haven't so much as spoken to him in about as long.
  6. We're not even Facebook friends.
  7. Last I was told, he has a girlfriend.
  8. Who would presumably find the uncouthness of his question more "definite" than "potential"

If your answer is either "ignore him" or "make fun of him for being desperate," then I tend to agree!

However, if you have another answer, please share - with analysis referencing the above factors, if possible :)

*Silver lining: at least he's not married!

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